The Ocean’s Secrets

Christopher Jennerwein
2 min readJan 25, 2021

Oceans…They make up about 70% of earth but we have only explored 5% of their secrets. There are many unexplained events involving the ocean, like ships disappearing, random undiscovered animals coming from the depths out of no where, and the Bermuda triangle. With only 5% discovered, there are lots of things we don’t know about.

Many unexplainable discoveries such as a whole fleet of military battleships found at the bottom of the ocean only leads to more curiosity. With this curiosity we search and find more things like lost cities such as Atlantis, and The Lion City.

But all these cities and ships are nothing compared to the oceans main perpetrator for secrets, The Bermuda Triangle or the Devil’s Triangle. This Triangle located in the Atlantic is said to have been the reasoning behind many destroyed and lost planes or ships passing through it. Coast guards would go looking for those ships but only get lost themselves. no one has ever really discovered the truth behind the Bermuda Triangle, some say its cursed.

Having only 5% discovered we only know so much about the ocean, yah we know a few species here and there and we know the depths of the ocean. But that is only 5% compared to the other 95% we still have left. And that 95% contains a lot of secrets.

We assume that animals like the Megalodon have been extinct for years but how can you say that when you know so little. What if the Mariana trench goes deeper but we just don’t know it yet, and under it are species we thought were extinct.

The what ifs are never ending…

